Bentley WaterCAD V8i 2016 full

Download Bentley WaterCAD V8i 2016

Link download: Bentley WaterCAD V8i 2016 full

WaterCAD used for design and analysis of water supply systems by modeling the system for fire and water quality testing, to the accounting of energy consumption and control capital costs.

WaterCAD is a turnkey solution that allows you to use it independently, or in AutoCAD. Regardless of platform, software WaterCAD contains a single set of files with the data model for proper interoperability with each platform.

Standalone interface provides easy-to-use model layout tools, support background complex structure, conversion utilities from CAD, GIS and databases, and unlimited levels of undo and redo layout operations. In addition, AutoCAD users can add AutoCAD integration features to create, build, and charting patterns with high precision in an environment that has become familiar to them.

Members WaterCAD can use AutoCAD drawings to create a hydraulically connected model with links between, databases, spreadsheets, and its